I made a synth slide show. https://musicblip.com I'm the founder, just showing off some cool stuff with Tableau Desktop. I'm looking to make a game that forces you to avoid clicking certain things. Going to be a lot of fun to play with a game that jumps around! The prize is a video of Drake or something lol. There is this massive dump of synth and gear photos because I've been working with a business in east Austin for over a year now. Luckily I met a developer last week who is going to show me the path. https://public.tableau.com/views/User-Experience-Button-Feedback-Test-1-Tableau-Desktop/Tableau-Developer-Text-Flash?:embed=y&:display_count=yes&publish=yes http://public.tableau.com/views/DashboardActionSlideshowforFriends/93?:embed=y&:loadOrderID=0&:display_count=yes&publish=yes Click to open any of these dumps of synths. Any enjoy the great vibes. I love making art in Tableau. http://public.tableau.com/views/DashboardActionSlideshowforFrie...
J5 likes to talk about music. Music producers, music mixers, music masters. Where are they? Most are hiding behind old school business strategies. Building an amazing website, and tell no one about it! Don't want that additional SEO ranking associated to the link? Please leave a comment and we will delete the link to your domain. As long as you know, it will impact your rank negatively.